Friday, September 24, 2010

Experiences with Skype

We have talked to many people on Skype and I have learned many things. Some of the experiences we have had are with Tom Whitby, Will from Juxio, Maggie from Diigo, Kimmie from Symbaloo, and the class in Philly. We have learned many things from these people. I really appreciate all the help we have received from them. I like how we have learned how to use these Web 2.0 websites by the creator. It is interesting to hear there stories about how they started. It is cool how they started off small to having these huge websites where thousands of people use them everyday.

I love how my mom (Mrs. Miller) is teaching the class also. It's fun learning from her since I hear her talking about it all the time. I am so proud of all the new people she is meeting and the difference she is making in Van Meter and around the world. =)


  1. Hi Brianna...

    I am very proud of the blog you have created! It is going to be a wonderful story of your journey this year in the PLN/Web 2.0 class. It is fun to be able to learn, connect, and create together.

    I love you sweetie...You are the best. Mom

  2. Hi Brianna
    It was so nice to read your post. I follow your mom on twiter. I feel like I have some things in common with your mom, I too am a school librarian (in Morristown, NJ- not quite so rural as your community; we're about 35 miles west of NYC) and I too taught in the same school as my daughter attended; I'm not quite as techie as she is so I try to learn from all of her posts. Glad that you appreciate having your mom as your teacher too. That can be hard at times! Good luck in your future endeavors.

  3. Hi Brianna! I think what you are saying is fascinating! My Web2.0 class, here in Burlington, has actually Skyped your mom once. I would love to skype with more people and influential people at that. I truly think connecting with other people and learning about their efforts to conquer a common goal can make such a difference.
