A few days ago my PLN class went on a field trip to the movie
The Social Network and out to eat at
On The Boarder. First, we went out to eat at
On The Boarder. This is my favorite place to eat so I was very excited about going there. Our original plan was to go to
Buffalo Wild Wings but we changed our minds at the last minute. I thought that
On The Boarder was a lot better anyway! :) The food was amazing as usual!
Then we went to the movie
The Social Network. I thought it was really good and it was very interesting to hear about how Mark created Facebook. It was amazing what he all had to go through to get it to the way it is today. It is also cool to hear how much code and how fast he created Facebook.
I think I loved hearing about this because I love Facebook! It is such a good way to see whats going on with people and meet new people too. Facebook is definitely one of my favorite ways to connect!